Meghan Selected for Ragdale Residency
Meghan is one of a select few artists to be awarded a 2023 residency at Ragdale, a prestigious nationally-renowned artist residency. Ragdale “is a nonprofit artists’ community located on the former country estate of Howard Van Doren Shaw. Nearly 150 residencies, 30 fellowships, and 6 themed residencies are now offered annually to creative professionals of all types, making Ragdale one of the largest interdisciplinary artists’ communities in the country. Ragdale residents represent a cross-section of ages, cultures, experiences, and mediums, for a diverse and vibrant community.”
“I’m beyond honored and overjoyed to be selected for a 2023 residency at Ragdale,” Meghan shared. “As an ‘author-by-night,’ so often my work is confined to the margins of my day - in the spaces between my day job and other daily life responsibilities. The opportunity to focus completely on my new work for 3 entire weeks is incredible. It’s a lifeline and a godsend.”
Meghan will attend Ragdale for 3 weeks in summer 2023. While there, she will work on two new projects: her creative nonfiction book about loss, ritual, and Disney World, and her novel-in-progress Burmeja.